Expand the
Boundaries of

Life Transforming Coaching for Teens, Young Adults & Parents

Helping youth create their
authentic happy

Hi, I am Dr. Alina Vehuni. I am a life coach for teens and young adults who want to live a life of authentic happiness and make their biggest contribution to the world. Having worked with thousands of children and youth as an educator, I found their biggest desire to be fully seen, heard, accepted and loved exactly for who they are.

In this space of unconditional love and acceptance, their latent potential and gifts emerge, transforming their personal life and offering to humanity their unique service. I invite you to step on your unique path of authentic happiness and self-actualization with me as your coach. I am so happy you are here.

“Sensitive souls are like flowers in the breeze, delicate yet resilient.”

As a parent, you have done your best to guide and support them and yet you feel lost and not sure how to help.
Stress and Anxiety
Your child is sensitive, gets easily overwhelmed and, as a result, suffers from high levels of stress, anxiety and even depression.
Your child is filled with self-doubt, compares themselves to others and believes they are a failure.
Fear of the Unknown
Your child fears the unknown, has a negative self-image and outlook on life.
Lack of Confidence
Your child feels insecure, lacks confidence and, yet feels that something big is in the potential for them.
Your child has a tendency to overthink, worry about what others think of them, and takes minimal or no action to not disappoint themselves or others.
Your child struggles to make decisions and has no clarity around their authentic direction in life that would lead to the desired success and fulfillment.
Organization and Time Management
Your child has an idea of what they want in life, but struggles with organization, time management, goal setting and execution to achieve the success they want.
Socialization and Communication
Your child yearns for leadership, yet has underdeveloped socialization and communication skills that prevent them from assuming a leadership role.

A wholeness visionary

I envision a world of wholeness through inner development, a world where every human is living a life of fulfillment and making their biggest contribution to the world. It includes my own wholeness, the wholeness of each human on this planet, family wholeness, organizational wholeness, environmental wholeness, and, ultimately, global wholeness. 

The truth is that we are inherently whole, and there is no magic formula or a secret to be learned to reclaim our wholeness, a destination that may currently feel out of reach. It is about bringing the unconscious to consciousness and PRACTICING what you want to embody. 

Being who you are in the journey is the journey to wholeness. Yet, once you hit a certain milestone on that journey, it feels like magic. The world transforms with you and the potential is limitless.

I’ve taken many years to learn and unlearn what makes me whole and to embody it. Through that process, I've trained in several modalities to help merge the invisible with the visible and become a learning connector for myself and others. 

Let me help your child do the same - reclaim and live in wholeness.