Obsessed with potentiality

Over the years in the classroom as a teacher, principal or educational consultant, the question I asked thousands of times was, “What is in the true potential of this child?” As I wrote or read on the report cards year after year how school helps each child reach their full potential, I cringed and my stomach tied into a knot. It was my inner voice screaming, telling me that something big and very fundamental was missing in our efforts as educators. 

I sat in hundreds of student success meetings, was called  thousands of times to help address student behavior, only to silently observe over and over again that each child craves to be seen, heard and loved as their authentic self, unconditionally. In this light of unconditional love, the dormant seed of their potential awakens, blossoms, ripens, bears fruit, allowing them to bring forth their unique gifts that are theirs to offer to the world. 

I am often told that it is impossible to do it for every child in the world. As an educator and coach, I am interested in this impossibility and its potentiality. More than anything, I am interested in making the impossible possible, highly probable and ultimately real, and it is evidenced in the real results of real people I have had the honor to serve as a coach.

Reclaim your wholeness

A transformation guide

As an exponential learner, I love and live learning - experiential, academic, intuitive, etc. My biggest passion is to learn from the emergent future or from what is trying to be born in and through each one of us. 

With that being said, my approach to transformational coaching is not conventional. The understanding that each one of us is a unique masterpiece in continuous creation drives my work of finding an intricately tailored approach to your child’s needs and goals at this time in their life. 

While I use and implement proven techniques from different effective modalities, their alchemical integration driven by intuitive guidance and applied in full presence and powerful energy of love is what helps create the greatest impact.

A growth catalyst

With a previous life rooted in engineering and education, I am infinitely curious about the potential of holistic growth in humans and human-created structures. As a systems thinker, I see everything in wholeness, in its totality, and that includes change itself. 

While transformation can be a long and incremental process, it really doesn’t have to be. At the subtle levels, it is actually instantaneous. How one brings it onto the surface, is what makes it fast or slow. 

Your child’s inner intelligence is the authority in their process of unfoldment with me serving as its catalyst.

‘Veh’ in Armenian means ‘elevated, dignified, grand’ and I strongly believe that it is every child’s birthright to live such a life.

I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Microelectronic Engineering, a Master of Arts degree in Teaching and a Doctorate degree in Educational Leadership.

As a natural explorer with engineering habits of a mind, I question everything. Literally everything. Probably the two things that I consider to be the absolute truth are the laws of physics that govern the universe and the ethical norms of life itself. 

I am fortunate to have been given an opportunity to work with youth globally as an educator for over two decades, which has ignited my passion for understanding human behavior from different angles leading to different certifications I acquired as a coach.

I am a certified Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, a Reiki Practitioner, and a Yoga Practitioner and Teacher (RYT-200). I am trained in Gestalt Therapy, Integrated Somatic Therapy, Interpersonal Neurobiology and Polyvagal Theory.

Driven by insatiable curiosity, I read about 50 books a year, and travel, travel, travel. I can pack and be on the road in under an hour whether it’s a 40-min drive to the nearest beach in Los Angeles or a flight across the globe to Bali, where I actually feel home. I believe that travel is the best way to learn about the world and discover your deepest self.

I am a blessed mother of two sons currently in their 20-ies, two gifted creators who offer something new to the world on a regular basis. Being a container for their becoming over the years has been one of the strongest catalysts for the work I do as a coach. I incessantly ask ‘what is possible?’ for each child whose path I may have already crossed or will cross in the future. Is your child one of them? I would love to meet them in their potentiality.

An authenticity mentor and happiness cultivator

Having worked with youth for over two decades, there is one yearning that I see permeate through and through. Regardless of their age, cultural background, geographic location, academic achievement or any other factor, every child and young adult wants to be authentically happy. 

Truly authentically happy. Not happy the way the society teaches them or the parents expect. They want to live, connect and create in this soul nourishing, heart filling, and physically healing state of authentic happiness. 

For many the concept of authenticity is abstract and unachievable while they feverishly seek it in the external world often through unhealthy and wrong avenues. Connecting with the authentic self is an exploration, living from that place is a conscious choice and commitment. 

Both require guidance, empowerment, and accountability, and your child will have all of that with me as their coach.