AV Signature  Program

Welcome to

In Wholeness

The Art of Owning Who You Are

The Coaching Program in Wholeness is designed to create a complete transformation for teens ages 13-19 and young adults ages 20-25 within a 12-week span. This fully customized signature program addresses all areas of human expression: mind, body, heart, and soul.

As humans, we are greater than the sum of our parts, and when approached holistically, we can achieve much greater results than by addressing the same areas one at a time. This holistic transformation catalyzes unprecedented shifts in areas ripe for exponential growth. At the core of the program lies deep self-awareness of one's processes—energetic, physical, emotional, psychological, and relational.

Teens and young adults will become fully aware of their energy levels, subconscious beliefs, intrinsic values, emotional processes, mental capacity, and the role of their physiology in all of it. They will learn to regulate their energy, emotions, and thoughts, resulting in different choices, goals, and actions. 

They will begin to live more in alignment with their inner truth and future life vision, which will also be uncovered in this process. They will learn to own who they are and be empowered by it, leading them towards authentic happiness and success.

In my programs I have seen young adults:

- Become sure of who they are and gain a positive outlook on life
- Improve their sleep schedule, eating habits and exercise patterns 
- Start feeling at peace with a higher level of maturity
- Start feeling resilient, strong, and self-aware
- Learn to use their intuition to make authentic decisions
- Come to know their purpose in life and want to reach their full potential
- Start believing that anything is possible
- Learn to uphold their values and never settle for things that are not theirs
- Learn to interrupt their negative thinking pattern when it happens and change it to positive
- Gain a lot of clarity and live with meaning, purpose and joy
- Learn to intentionally create the kind of relationships they want

In my programs I have seen teens:

- Learn to listen to others with empathy and yet set boundaries when it gets too much
- Start having lower stress levels and increased energy levels
- Become more present and engaged with life
- Gain a better understanding on what and how to change
- Become more flexible, open-minded and much more confident
- Stop overthinking, start feeling at peace and achieving their desires with ease
- Come to know who they are and what their passions are
- Learn a lot about themselves and make decisions that feel aligned
- Come to know who their people are, finding a sense of belonging
- Start accepting themselves as they are and loving themselves
- Learn to use their passions to create a career they enjoy

How The Program Works

The program commences with setting intentions by the client and often by their parents, too. Once the desired outcomes are established, an initial assessment will provide a holistic view of all areas of life—the areas of current challenges, future growth, and the areas that hold significant energy and are ripe for change. This energy helps catalyze the desired changes in other areas of life, creating momentum for holistic growth.

This 12-week program follows a structured process with weekly modules fully customized or created for each individual client to meet them in their 'zone of proximal development.' In this zone, the client's current abilities and skills are revealed, celebrated, and empowered, along with uncovering their emerging abilities and skills. Here, the inner potential is catalyzed, exponentiated, and brought forward to be acknowledged, owned, and realized.

The first half of the program focuses on the Inner Self, which then becomes the foundation for the Outer Self in the second half of the program. Once clients gain deep self-awareness and learn how to work with their inner selves, they begin creating their outer world in alignment with their authentic selves.

The heart-mind coherence they cultivate as part of their inner work is integrated into their daily lives—how they make decisions, set goals, take actions, connect with others, and achieve the success they desire. This helps cultivate coherence between their inner and outer worlds, leading to a sense of authentic happiness.